Eleanna Smpokou

Life could be tough. It’s Squared instead.

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Squared (Engagement) Root

This post is about the reasons behind my fellow Squares’ (and mine of course) high levels of engagement and interaction with anything related to our course and the Squared Google+ community- before we even had our first live class (which by the way took place a couple of hours ago).

This is a fantastic example of a brand knowing exactly:

  • which associations it should take advantage of (a brand is a set of impressions and when thinking of it we relate it with specific attributes/ characteristics/ ideas)
  • what service/product it should offer that would be relevant to the brand image, harnessing its already built credibility in specific fields
  • what atmosphere it should create to drive engagement

Feeling Secure and Comfortable

Personally (and I believe a lot of my classmates are on the same page), ever since I signed up for this course, I have this feeling that I am in the right place...

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The person behind the persona

And yes, you made the right guess (I couldn’t resist the rhyme). I want to dedicate this post to neuromarketing. In other words (and to make it sound less fancy) this is about the field of marketing which endeavours to approach the consumer as a person, discover their thoughts and feelings, the associations they unconsciously make when deciding which product they are going to buy and why they prefer this brand to the other- in fact why they absolutely love it and they hate the rest.

For quite some time now, information accumulation and analysis has played a major role in developing marketing and advertising strategies. Marketers learnt how to turn the volume of their intuition down and rely more on findings from gallups and focus groups. However, it often turned out that carefully planned brand & product positioning and meticulously designed ad campaigns that took into consideration...

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Now I can have dinner.

squared eleanna

A Square for less than 2 days and already thinking about it all the time- between work emails, creating ads & social media posts, having breakfast, lunch, you name it. It already feels so consuming but in a positive and really exciting way..

So, why am I here? First of all, I always had a passion for marketing and especially digital marketing. Although my background (academically speaking) had nothing to do with that, I knew that this is what I was meant to do in my life (yes, I can get really dramatic if I want to). I used to spend hours online, reading blogs and websites talking about SEO, PPC ads, affiliate marketing, email campaigns, website optimization for higher conversion rates, referrals.. At the same time, I always had a passion for social platforms. At first it was Hi5, then MySpace, then Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Path (yes, even Path), LinkedIn. It’s safe to say that...

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