10 minutes late.

How long is 10 minutes? Let me rephrase: How long is 10 online minutes?


You scroll down the Twitter timeline and by the time you read the 30 most recent tweets (filtering out the ones that don’t interest you of course), another 30 are already piling up.

You go through the news items on Feedly (needless to say you only manage to check 1 category, 2 is superhero-reader or weekend-only activity), the articles you have gathered since last night are never-ending and new, hot-off-the-digital-press are arriving all the time at the top.

You spend 10 minutes to read a report on digital marketing and 3 newer ones are already published, people have already liked them-shared them- commented on them. And you have no idea what they are talking about.

Facebook? Oh trust me, you don’t wanna go there. It’s hopeless.

But wait, there is a way to fix this: Have multiple screens, read on your laptop, tablet and smartphone in parallel, make sure you are always on 4G to load everything as fast as you can and never rest. The only problem is that you ‘ll start being 10 coffees with friends late, 10 Skype calls with your parents late, 10 books you should have read late, 10 movies you should have watched late, 10 birthdays anniversaries and parties late, 10 years of fulfilling life late.

You choose.


Eleanna on Google+


Now read this

Grouped into Squared: Part 1

So you got to know me as an “Eleanna”. But now I would like to introduce myself as a proud member of Green Group 21. The 1st part of our journey on Squared just reached its destination a couple of days ago, with us submitting our pitch... Continue →